Thank you for the answers.

@Jason Bertoch - I'll try to upgrade, although it will be a difficult task 
(many corporate mails).
@Daniel McDonald - Nice rules, I'm going to integrate it too and see what 
happens. Funny keywords :D - thanks.
@John Hardin - Your suggestion led me to a very good link:

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel McDonald []
Sent: Tuesday 07, December 12, 2010 16:46
To: spamassassin
Subject: Re: spam with different "Received" and "To" headers

On 12/7/10 8:20 AM, "Florescu, Dan Alexandru"
<> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the last few days some spam messages have been able to elude the filters I
> use. Upon checking the headers, it seems to be following the same pattern.

> I just earned $31 in a few hours at home on the computer! I went to - Business
> Week Journal* You will thank me
> -----
> * this is a <a href=virus_link>Business Week Journal</a> link
> My question is: shouldn't there be a rule to verify that the mail specified at
> "To:" header actually corresponds to the one at "Received: [...] for <>"?
> This would be a very effective spam catching rule.

No, it would be a really bad rule, for lots of reasons.

I am trying to catch these by looking for the body pattern:
I {verbed} {money} {verbing} {uri} {salutation}

Here is my current rule.  I'd love to get more verbs to add to it, based on
more examples.  They seem to have a pretty good thesaurus...

body    __SOME_MONEY_HUNDREDS   /\$\d{2,3}\b/
describe __SOME_MONEY_HUNDREDS          Has a dollar amount up to $one

body    __EASY_MONEY
describe __EASY_MONEY           talks about making easy money

body    __EASY_WORK             /(?:being
online|doing\s(?:(?:simple|easy)\s)?(?:tasks|things|stuff)|working at
home|on the computer)/
describe __EASY_WORK            talks about the work being simple

describe AE_WORKFROM_HOME       work from home spam
score  AE_WORKFROM_HOME         1.00

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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