On 12/30/2010 2:09 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> But I think it's really
> stretching DNS way beyond what it was designed for and it might be
> time to look at a different approach.

But David, every example you've provided requires vastly more resources
then blocking a spam with a single DNS lookup to rbldnsd. Heck, even a
dozen separate DNSBL lookups against a local rbldnsd server is order of
magnitudes faster and less resource intensive than accepting the entire
message, and running that message against ClamAv (one of your examples).

Many large ISPs simply will not ever spend that much $$/message.
Otherwise, you'd have to convince the CEO of Comcast to increase their
IT budget by 100x... and that would cut into profits... and he'd be
fired by the board for that.  (to give just one example)

Rob McEwen
+1 (478) 475-9032

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