Jari Fredriksson wrote:

> I just assigned AAAA records to my DNS, and spamc/spamd fails.
> I have a DNS alias spamd for a server.
> jarif@lancaster:~$ host spamd
> spamd.fredriksson.dy.fi is an alias for lancaster.fredriksson.dy.fi.
> lancaster.fredriksson.dy.fi has address
> lancaster.fredriksson.dy.fi has IPv6 address fe80::20c:29ff:fe28:8af
> Now my log is filled with
> Jan 15 21:46:42 lancaster spamc[17968]: connect to spamd on
> fe80::20c:29ff:fe28:8af failed, retrying (#16 of 100): Invalid
> argument
> Any ideas?

The fe80: address is link-local, to use it you have to specify the
interface as well.  In a browser, you could do that like this:


You could try the same syntax with spamc - the %device is a glibc
extension, it might work. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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