On 01/17/2011 09:29 PM, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> On 1/17/11 3:27 PM, JKL wrote:
>> Hi there,
>>      Why would this be delivered into the user mailbox when the Sender
>> address is blacklisted by the user?  Did I misunderstand the
>> short-circuit effect?
>> Best wishes.
> spamassassin doesn't do anything about delivery. it just marks the
> headers.

    Thank-you for pointing this out.  Naïvely, I thought I could use
Postfix to pass the mail to spamc and then have it drop it, instead of
sending it onto Dovecot LDA for delivery.  Clearly, this is not the way
:(  Back to the drawing board.

I know this is off-topic but is there a way for a third party programme
to silently drop spam from delivery? 


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