On 01/18/2011 04:20 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 09:00 -0500, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> On 1/18/2011 4:13 AM, J4 wrote:
>>> I have Dovecot LDA so Sieve might well be a good idea, but I would
>>> like to inform the sender that the Email was dropped as spam, and
>>> avoid backscatter.   I don't think I can do this with Sieve/Dovecot LDA. 
>> You cannot do this from the delivery agent without creating
>> backscatter.  If you want to inform the sender, the only reliable way to
>> do it is to scan the message when it first comes in and simply reject
>> the spam.  This way, you never accept the message and the sending system
>> is responsible for notifying the sender that the message did not go through.
> If you're thinking of detecting spam at SMTP time you should consider
> greylisting. When my ISP implemented it the spam I get dropped
> immediately from 80% of my mail to 8%, where its remained ever since.
> After that you can take a view whether you want to:
> - scan the remaining mail at SMTP time (and reject spam as you
>   originally described)
> - use SA as an MTA filter and let the recipient's MUA put it in a spam
>   folder or bin depending on what the user decides. Or your MTA filter
>   could silently bin spam or feed it to Bayes to be learned as spam.
>   Your choice: you just can't reject it at this stage. 
> - use a procmail recipe to scan mail and either reject spam or pass it
>   to the recipient's MUA as above. Use this if you want the recipients
>   to have some control over spam recognition, individual Bayes filters,
>   etc.
> Martin

    Right - I've moved the SA scanning to the front of postfix, and it
scans accordingly and adds headers.

What is odd, is that :-
    It seems that the AWL white-lists the email addresses that were
black-listed.  Additionally, the shortcircuit should have classes these
as blacklisted addresses.
Tue Jan 18 17:07:18 2011 [28825] info: spamd: clean message (-0.1/6.0)
for nobody:5002 in 0.9 seconds, 2231 bytes.
Tue Jan 18 17:07:18 2011 [28825] info: spamd: result: . 0 -

The mysql spamassassin.userpref  table has the entry in it:
| username                   | preference                     |
| prefid |
| t...@test.info     | blacklist_from                 |
|     19 |

Here is the entry it added to the awl table:
select * from awl;
| username                | email                  | ip    | count |
totscore |
| si...@simonloewen.info  | a...@abc.com  | 62.58 |     1 |     -0.7 |
| nobody                  | b...@blah.com  | 62.58 |     7 |     -0.7 |

My testing was based on rejecting spam using a blacklist, and now this
test method has been circumvented :D   Brought a smile to my face.  I
could simply disable AWL for testing purposes... 

Q) I would like to understand why a blacklisted address in the userpref
table is overridden.  Does anyone know?


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