On 2/17/2011 10:28 AM, J4K wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am interested in raising the score for the rule RDNS_DYNAMIC. 
> However, I cannot find it in any of the files under /etc/spamassassin. 
> I thought that it would be listed somewhere in this directory.  In which
> file is this located?
> * Why do I want to raise the bar for RDNS_DYNAMIC?
> I won't use the pbl from spamhaus, nor other expressions that reject
> email sent from dynamic address ranges. I think if someone [hobbyist]
> wishes to run his own server and not pay for a static address, then I
> won't block email from them.  However, I would like to add some extra
> points for sending from one.  99% of spam received here from the dynamic
> ranges get blocked by postfix for numerous reasons; Some being an
> invalid rcpt email, some Subjects, RFC compliance, and so on).

The stock rules are under /var/lib/spamassassin/3.003001 (or whichever
version you have).  But don't make changes there, or they will be lost
the next time you run sa-update.

Instead, add your changes to the local.cf file in your local rules
directory (/etc/mail/spamassassin on my system), or create a new cf file
to hold your changes.  To change the score for RDNS_DYNAMIC, add the
following line:

score RDNS_DYNAMIC  1.0

Since this directory is read after the main rule directory, anything you
put here will override the stock rules.


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