Here's my situation:  I lease a host from a provider.  They initially
did all my setup, and I do the simple maintenance I need.  A short time
ago, the spam increased dramatically.  Others on this list reported it,
and a common suggested problem was that the installed Spamassassin was
badly out of date.  Mine is 3.0.4, and I probably fall into that

I called my co-hosting provider and asked to have Spamassassin upgraded.
They told me that to do this would require an upgrade to my Fedora core,
which would require an upgrade to this, and to that, and I'd then need
to reinstall those...  Bottom line is that the whole ordeal will cost
me thousands of dollars, which I simply don't have.  My gut feeling is
that a SA upgrade *could* be done, but they see an opportunity to get
some cash out of me, and they know they've got me by the short hairs.

I do a lot of my own installations without any problem, but the thing is
that I've got a couple dozen customers using Spamassassin, and if I
crash and burn on the upgrade, it won't be a pretty situation.  So...

I was wondering if it's possible to install an alternate version of
Spamassassin and verify that it's working properly before burning my
bridge on the outdated (but working) version I've currently got

Thanks for any advice.

Pat Traynor

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