
I usually install several versions of SA on the same machine without any

Fo instance, to test 3.3.2-rc2 I used this procedure

    1  wget
    2  wget -q
- | md5sum -c
    3  tar zxvf Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.2-rc2.tar.gz
    4  cd Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.2
    5  perl Makefile.PL prefix=/opt/spamassassin332
sysconfdir=/opt/spamassassin332/etc datadir=/opt/spamassassin332/var
    6  make
    7  make test
    8  make install
    9  /opt/spamassassin332/bin/sa-update -D

 Keep an eye on the output os step5, it may complain about a missing module.

José Borges Ferreira

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Pat Traynor <p...@ssih.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Michael Scheidell wrote:
>> On 6/1/11 8:43 AM, Pat Traynor wrote:
>>> See, this is why I really shouldn't be left alone in front of a keyboard.
>>> My perl installation is 5.12.3, NOT 5.3.12.  Sigh...
>>>  it should be 'safe' to backup the ../site_perl* and ../lib/perl5*
>> libraries, and try to upgrade the perl modules first.  newer pm's SHOULD
>> work with old SA.
>> look at upgrading file and tar/pax as well.
> Sounds good.  I'll look into that and tread carefully.
> --pat--
> --
> Pat Traynor
> p...@ssih.com

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