Thanks Mark,

On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 07:05:20PM +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Sandro,
> > As an example I have a message that include a link to "ow (dot) ly (/)
> > 57lle". Querying host clearly shows that it's s
> > spammer redirector.
> > 
> > If I feed the message to 'spamassassin -t' I get:
> >    Content analysis details:   (0.0 points, 5.0 required)
> > and feeding it to 'spamassassing -D|grep I get:
> >
> > dbg: dns: providing a callback for id: 34472/
> > dbg: async: starting: URI-DNSBL, (timeout 
> > 15.0s, min 3.0s)
> > dbg: dns: providing a callback for id: 57784/
> > dbg: async: starting: URI-NS, (timeout 15.0s, min 3.0s)
> > dbg: async: completed in 0.018 s: URI-DNSBL,
> > dbg: async: timing: 0.018 .
> > I'm not able to read the response, i.e. I cant' understand if it's possible
> > to understand from these lines if the test shows or not that it really a
> > spam redirector.
> The log shows a successful query for,
> and an almost instant answer - received in 18 ms.
> The answer was probebly I guess you do not have any rules
> to hit on this value.
> Try adding the following rules to your
> if can(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL::has_tflags_domains_only)
> urirhssub       URIBL_DBL_REDIR       A
> body            URIBL_DBL_REDIR   eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_DBL_REDIR')
> describe        URIBL_DBL_REDIR   Spamhaus spammed redirector domain
> tflags          URIBL_DBL_REDIR   net domains_only
> score           URIBL_DBL_REDIR   2.0
> endif

this rule just works, thanks.

Isn't it a pretty normal check to be done?  I ask since my fear is that my
setup is someway wrong, or at least poor. I just use default rules from
debian spamassassin + sa-update but many times I see spam messages pass
throught that are clearly spam and hit very few rules.

> The answer was probebly I guess you do not have any rules
> to hit on this value.

Why should it issue the query and neglect the answer?


Sandro Dentella  *:-)             Soluzioni libere per le scuole        SQLkit home page - PyGTK/python/sqlalchemy

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