On 4-7-2011 20:35, Toni Mueller wrote:

On Mon, 04.07.2011 at 13:23:42 +0200, Axb<axb.li...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Well, together with the auth server it creates an "ecosystem" with
some (limited) vendor lock-in capability.
"vendor lock-in" ? be explicit, please.
last I looked PowerDNS highlighted some custom DNS RR types (on the
wire) that were not usable with any other software. Migrating from one
DNS server package to another is imho difficult enough without that

Kind regards,
Well, if you're concerned about that then don't use the custom RR types that PowerDNS provides. I don't really see the fuss about it and saying it's vendor lock-in is simply not true. It's just some non-standard RR types and that's that. You're not being forced to use them or anything.


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