
The current functionality requires me to receive mails that contains image and 
process them.

So I want a good tool to deal with image spam.

Please suggest some.

Ashish Sharma

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Bertoch [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Suggest OCR plugin on Spamassassin 3.3.1 for image spam

On 7/20/2011 9:18 PM, wrote:
> On 07/20, Sharma, Ashish wrote:
>> Can someone suggest some better OCR plugin for Spamassassin 3.3.1 for image 
>> spam?
> It still seems strange to me that anybody has ever bothered with using OCR
> to deal with image spam, when it's so easy, and for me not problematic, to
> just block all emails that might be image spam - those with an attached
> image that is embedded in the body of an html mail.
> Inlined attached images are not a feature that I find anywhere near worth
> having enough to justify needing to OCR image spam.

Image spam was a huge deal when it first came out, and there were 
several sources scrambling to offer a solution, including resources to 
involve Bayes on the decoded text.  Those worked well enough to deter, 
for the time-being anyway, that method of spamming.

That said, while I agree with your sentiment toward inline images and 
HTML mail in general, they are a common business practice and many folks 
simply can't use the outright block method.

At my last job, I eventually found that image-spam dropped to such a 
significant low that I didn't need OCR anymore but was still required to 
allow inline images through.


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