"OCR scanner and image validator SA-plugin"

"OCR Plugin"

may be worth a try.. no idea how well they work

The Spamassassin wiki is so cool

On 2011-07-21 8:53, Sharma, Ashish wrote:

The current functionality requires me to receive mails that contains image and 
process them.

So I want a good tool to deal with image spam.

Please suggest some.

Ashish Sharma

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Bertoch []
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Suggest OCR plugin on Spamassassin 3.3.1 for image spam

On 7/20/2011 9:18 PM, wrote:
On 07/20, Sharma, Ashish wrote:
Can someone suggest some better OCR plugin for Spamassassin 3.3.1 for image 
It still seems strange to me that anybody has ever bothered with using OCR
to deal with image spam, when it's so easy, and for me not problematic, to
just block all emails that might be image spam - those with an attached
image that is embedded in the body of an html mail.

Inlined attached images are not a feature that I find anywhere near worth
having enough to justify needing to OCR image spam.

Image spam was a huge deal when it first came out, and there were
several sources scrambling to offer a solution, including resources to
involve Bayes on the decoded text.  Those worked well enough to deter,
for the time-being anyway, that method of spamming.

That said, while I agree with your sentiment toward inline images and
HTML mail in general, they are a common business practice and many folks
simply can't use the outright block method.

At my last job, I eventually found that image-spam dropped to such a
significant low that I didn't need OCR anymore but was still required to
allow inline images through.


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