> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duane Hill [mailto:du...@duanemail.org]
> Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 3:58:28 PM, you wrote:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Duane Hill [mailto:du...@duanemail.org]
> >>
> >> Hello David,
> >>
> >> Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 2:23:28 PM, you wrote:
> >>
> >> I set MySQL to log all SQL queries. There has not been one query
> >> contained within a transaction.
> > Hello Duane,
> > Are you using InnoDB?
> Yes.

Did you create the bayes tables via the mysql script shipped with SA? It
creates tables with TYPE=MyISAM, so I guess this may be why you didn't see
any transaction associated to queries.

This is from the sql/README.bayes file:

There is also a MySQL specific storage driver available to provides a
small boost in performance.  It requires version 4.1 or above of the
MySQL database software to work properly.  In addition, it provides
rollback on error functionality if you create your bayes database
table using the InnoDB storage engine (ie s/MyISAM/InnoDB/ on the
bayes_mysql.sql file).  WARNING: Using this module with a version of
MySQL < 4.1 could have unexpected results.  To use the MySQL 4.1+
specific module set your bayes_store_module directive accordingly:


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