On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:02:20 John Hardin wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Rodney Baker wrote:
> >   :0fw: spamassassin.lock
> >   :
> >   | spamc
> Just as a test, if you comment that bit out of your personal .procmailrc
> does everything work they way you'd expect (i.e. one SA pass, the correct
> score in the X- headers)?

Yep,that was the first thing that I did. Somehow spamassassin is still 
checking the messages, even though they're not being piped through spamc via 
procmail. I'm sure that fetchmail isn't doing it, so that leaves sendmail, 
dovecot or kmail. So begins the process of elimination (or maybe I just leave 
it out of procmailrc and be done with it...).


Rodney Baker
web: www.jeremiah31-10.net

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