Am 07.10.2011 10:03, schrieb Benny Pedersen:
> On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 09:54:09 +0200, Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> but wouldnt recommend it anyway
> why would i like to whitelist a unknown spammer ?
> thinking more about it would get me mad :-)

in my eyes the whole idea of spf was broken from beginning
but do what you want, no need for flame
in my real world it makes more problems then helping in antispam
i removed spf checks from my servers, in spamd its used with nearly no
there are better more effective ways to reject unwanted mails
but youre free, do it like you want, analyse your logs
then you will see, if it helps at your side
everbody has its own spam, there are less
universal recommands, antispam is daily work in analyse and reaction
Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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