> -----Original Message-----
> >How do I tell Spamassasin to ignore the last received Header? Or are
> >there other solutions to this problem? It also happens quite often with
> >emails from cell phones (which always get the strangest dynamic IPs...).

A matter of perspective: You don't need to tell SA to ignore the last header, 
you need to tell it NOT to ignore the second one.  Generally speaking, SA 
checks blacklists against the first hop outside your internal network.  It 
sounds like your local SA has decided that mailserver.provider.com is trusted, 
so instead of starting there, it's starting at the next one out. (And yes, that 
last Received: header should be there.)

I agree with Matus UHLAR's advice: check the trust path settings.

> you apparently need to properly configure trusted_networks and
> internal_networks, see:
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/TrustPath

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