Thank you Adam,
I have been working hard in learning a lot of things about antispam rules
and I appreciate all the inputs that the list is giving to me.

I use MailScanner to check on my emails and I have not yet found a way to
train Bayes, I will check on that.

On the mean time, I have learned not to check in "ALL" headers, I have
redefined my first rules and now I have seen a better approach on what I am
doing, still need a lot more input from experts, :)



On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Adam Katz <> wrote:

> Summary for the impatient:
> Do not write rules like this.
> Instead, train Bayes, make sure you're using DNSBLs.
> On 11/25/2011 09:49 AM, Sergio wrote:
> > I wrote all the HELO spammers that SA didn't caught
> ...
> > header   CHARLY_RULE1    ALL =~ /(...)/i
> > describe CHARLY_RULE1    Charly Spammers
> > score    CHARLY_RULE1    11
> Given the description in your email, that should probably be:
> header   CHARLY_RULE1    X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted =~ / helo=(?:...) /i
> describe CHARLY_RULE1    A custom list of uncaught relay HELOs
> score    CHARLY_RULE1    4
> You should be *very* careful about scoring any individual rule at or
> above the spam flagging threshold (default is 5, do not lower).  There
> is almost always a better (and safer!) solution.
> > My concern is, is too much for just one rule or the rule can grow
> > without limit?
> Let's just say you don't need to worry about that.  We have several 150+
> character rules on SA's trunk and I've seen rules with regexp lengths in
> the thousands (not that that's necessarily a good thing, but it does
> work, albeit slowly).
> Still, this seems like a really bad idea; one hammy HELO in there and
> the whole thing starts hurting.  I think you'll be *far* better served
> by training bayes.
> You should also double check to ensure your DNS lookups are properly
> configured and plugins like Razor are turned on.  We don't have the best
> of resources to walk you through this, but you can start with

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