On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 21:12:56 -0500, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

DNSWL is scaned in deep received, but none have reporteed this :(
DNSWL for SA is implemented with first-trusted on all the tests in SA
I found.   I don't see any deep-header parsing.

if its was we all need to use trusted_networks even more, its firstuntrusted, not first hop ;/

whitelists should be fitsthop only, no ?

#6718 should have being resolved wont-fix
No, it was a duplicate complaint. Marking it a duplicate was accurate IMO.

spamassassin is not a book of howto setup dns servers or is it now ?

#6668 agree on comment #1, the rest is just fuss imho
As I wrote comment 1, I have to agree it was brilliant ;-)

atleast some have humor in this month :-)

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