On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Michael Scheidell
<michael.scheid...@secnap.com> wrote:

> [..] Blocking the ip address by firewall
> will save bandwidth and cpu cycles.

Firewalling will have the same effect as returning no answer - it will
cause retries and thus will roughly triple the amount of queries
received (although they will effectively be discarded at a different
stage, firewall vs nameserver).

This effect was also reported in

> google's attention, will it? and you still get the bandwidth and cpu cycles
> from the largest abusers.

For the few cases where it is being used, it reduced the load by an
order of a magnitude (eg netline.net.uk going from > 12 mio queries/24
hours to below 1 mio - still way too high, but definitely an

-- Matthias

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