On 01/19, Micah Anderson wrote:
> I noticed that pyzor is recommended there. I had disabled it because it
> seemed like it was no longer being developed. 

The second highest ranked SA rule is DIGEST_MULTIPLE, which is where an
email hits both PYZOR_CHECK and RAZOR2_CHECK (or one of those and
DCC_CHECK, but that's not getting any hits in ruleqa).  So it definitely
seems useful.  Maybe it hasn't seen much maintenance lately because it just
doesn't need it?

> I am trying to get it enabled, but I am running into the issue reported
> here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pyzor/ticket/163

Have I been talking to you on IRC about this?  If that bug report is
correct, a bug should be opened against spamassassin to fix parsing of
pyzor output.

> Everything else on that page, except for your mention of
> 90_2tld.cf.sare.sa-update.dostech.net I've done. 

Axb responded to my post saying that that's obsolete, replaced by a file
now included in sa-updates.  

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

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