LuKreme wrote:
> I sued to have a setup where IMAP users could put mail into either SPAM or 
> Junk mailboxes to have it auto trained and then I had a script that stepped 
> through and did the training, and it also processed non-new mail in the inbox 
> as ham.


what do you think of something less complex?

you need but probably have autolearn enabled

I offer the users a mailbox where they can drop/move any message they
think is spam, what obviously not was processed by spamassasin and
classified as such
i my case the folder's name is X-SPAM
this extra folder is necessary because what is in SPAM already is
supposed to be SPAM

I don't now if it is a good idea running sa-learn n new msgs without
knowing what it is

Also, chose well your users, that they do not throw everything into this

then you run a script from cron once a day like this

folders=`/usr/bin/find /home/ -maxdepth=2 -type f -name X-Spam -print`
for folder in $folders; do
        /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --mbox $folder

good luck

> MAILP="Maildir";
>    J_PATH="$USERROOT/${MAILP}/.Junk";
>    H_PATH="$USERROOT/${MAILP}/cur";
> if [ `test -d $J_PATH` ]; then
>    /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --progress $i $J_PATH/{new,cur}
> fi
> if [ `test -d $S_PATH` ]; then
>    /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --progress $i $S_PATH/{new,cur}
> fi
> if [ `test -d $H_PATH` ]; then
>    /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --ham $H_PATH
> fi
> This all worked fine, but it was very resource intensive, and it only worked 
> with the very few shell users. I tried to run it (manually) a few times with 
> the virtual users, but I ended up with a process that ground the computer to 
> a halt and generated a bayes database that was massively large (GBs).
> So, other than throwing more iron at the problem, is there something I can do 
> to make this process a little smarter? Make it work with the virtual users 
> without generating a massive db file?

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