Am 22.03.2012 08:23, schrieb Per Jessen:
> Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> Am 21.03.2012 09:09, schrieb Per Jessen:
>>> Has anyone else noticed this stream of new spamvertized domains :
>>> Typically accompanied by messages/subject lines such as:
>>> You should check your status update and see if it changed
>>> This method of language learning is super easy.
>>> Please confirm that this update is accurate.
>>> Teach yourself a new foreign language in 10 days
>>> Just being curious.  Yesterday I got another 10 different domains.
>> Hi Per, nothing special like that, was noticed here
> Thanks Robert - amazing that nobody else seems to have noticed.  I've
> added a rule to catch some of them, but yesterday I still got another
> 15 brand-new such domains. 

sorry i dont follow new spam domains, until there is no significant rise
but if grepped your domains yesterday on few servers with no result

spam often is very recipient related
i.e my beloved spambot armee relocated from china/us now to india/brasil
during last year , looks like thats trendy

> Perhaps of interest - all of these have valid DKIM signatures. 

thats not so suprising, they allready often have valid spf too
perhaps they wanna make sure to pass new dmarc mechs at google etc


perhaps , they are preparing to a bigger spam flood later
and your servers are a test ballon target
that happend before ,but speculation

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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