Am 22.03.2012 10:19, schrieb Per Jessen:
> Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> Am 22.03.2012 08:23, schrieb Per Jessen:
>>> Robert Schetterer wrote:
>>>> Am 21.03.2012 09:09, schrieb Per Jessen:
>>>>> Has anyone else noticed this stream of new spamvertized domains :
>>>>> Typically accompanied by messages/subject lines such as:
>>>>> You should check your status update and see if it changed
>>>>> This method of language learning is super easy.
>>>>> Please confirm that this update is accurate.
>>>>> Teach yourself a new foreign language in 10 days
>>>>> Just being curious.  Yesterday I got another 10 different domains.
>>>> Hi Per, nothing special like that, was noticed here
>>> Thanks Robert - amazing that nobody else seems to have noticed.  I've
>>> added a rule to catch some of them, but yesterday I still got another
>>> 15 brand-new such domains.
>> sorry i dont follow new spam domains, until there is no significant
>> rise but if grepped your domains yesterday on few servers with no
>> result
> I don't normally follow them either, but these are coming through to one
> of my personal addresses. 

ok , i understand , so you cant miss them *g

 It's also the rate of change that is
> interesting - I very rarely see two emails with the same link. 

one more indicate for a bright planned campaign
what are they try to push...?

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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