Julian Yap wrote:
> Yep.
>     2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl:
> sudo portupgrade -C -fr perl

if you don't use -x perl will be reinstalled too, don't know if it
matters but once I did so (not using -x) I found lots of old files in
the perl dirs

>>> I have noticed that Perl 5.12 runs noticeably slower compared to 5.10.
>>>  I think 5.14 was slow as well.
>>> Average scan times are higher and there are often more 'longer
>>> running' scans.  This results in more output on servers running Perl
>>> 5.12:
>>> tail -f /var/log/maillog | grep 'identified spam .*[2-9][0-9].[0-9] seconds'

I'm still curious why you get over 20 sec scan times

will you share your experience?

I have several servers, and I find very few messages getting to 15
seconds even on the most busiest machines, most are not going beyond 5,
since numbers are better, I have 17msgs over 15 seconds but not passing
16.5 from 32400 processed msgs, daily average for last week for one of
my midsize server

I do not see any difference between machines with perl 5.8 or 5.14


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