On Wed, 2012-06-13 at 03:04 +0200, Wolfgang Zeikat wrote:
> On 2012-06-12 20:52, Martin Gregorie wrote:
>  > so its probably worth treating .gg
>  > the same way as .cn and .ru, though for slightly different reasons.
> Unless you're in .cn, .ru or vicinity or have correspondence partners 
> there, you may be right.
I have about three correspondents in Russia, so a meta-rule along the
lines of

header __MG_RU1 From /\.(ru|su|cn)/
header __MG_RU2 From /(na...@isp1.ru || na...@isp2.ru || ...)/
meta   MG_RUSSPAM (__MG_RU1 && !__MG_RU2)
score  MG_RUSSPAM 5.0

works just fine for me. I don't need any exceptions for .su or .cn, but
as you say, ymmv.


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