>>>> Kevin Miller <kevin_mil...@ci.juneau.ak.us> 10/11/12 12:40 PM >>>
>In the past, when I've asked in the SUSE forums they have put out newer 
>versions of clamav and spamassassin.  As is typical, the forums are community 
>support >and not staffed by paid engineers, although several of the upper 
>echelon folks there have contacts w/in SUSE so will sometimes get a word 
>upstream.  For >programs like clamav and spamassassin it's not really enough 
>to just do security patches as is typical w/a long term supported distro.  
>Sometimes upstream has to >be reminded of that.
>You might try there.  Or perhaps filing a bug report with SUSE...

Tried the SuSE forums earlier, actually.  Became frustrated at being unable to 
log in.  Took
me to blank page, and other errors.  Supposed to work seamlessly, since 
Attachmate deal.   

May try again today.

joe a.

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