
> I'm looking to set up a spam filtering server to replace our ISP's
> spam filtering service.
> I've seen this tutorial (
> ftp://orn.mpg.de/pub/unix/mail/Fairly-Secure_Anti-SPAM_Gateway_Using_SpamAssassin.html#antivirus
> ) and I'd be very interested in YOUR opinion; do you think,
> fundamentally, a server with these software packages could be an
> effective combination at fighting spam? We're a (I guess) medium size
> organization with appx. 1000 end users.
> What about weaving clam-av into the mix?
> Although this tutorial uses OpenBSD, I'll probably be using FreeBSD.
> Thank you for your input!

I use the same setting on FreeBSD with good enought results. Most of
the products are from the ports.

I have added to the scheme:

- postgrey: grey listing is a very effective way to drop spam, at the
  cost of a 15 to 60 minutes delay in incoming email;

- ClamAV and Kaspersky for viruses (even though there are not that
  many lately); they fit well in amavis as amavis was preliminarily
  designed to catch viruses...

- procmail to handle the mail delivery and quarantine and daily
  summary of spam.

I have 250 users.

Good luk,


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