On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 11:37:33AM -0500, David F. Skoll wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Mar 2013 17:47:22 +0200
> Henrik K <h...@hege.li> wrote:
> > Memory measured with "free" (without buffers/cache etc):
> > begin 2588084
> > end 1296756
> > About 25MB non-shared memory used per child,
> Are you sure your measurements are correct?  I use MIMEDefang which also
> has a preforked-children architecture and I see only about 4MB shared
> per child with the vast majority of per-child memory non-shared.  This
> is based on what top reports.

You provide no data how you end up with the 4MB etc. And MD is not SA, it
might do all sorts of funky stuff.

How about actually trying the provided spamd line yourself and not keep
again theorizing how someone is measuring wrong etc?

Well actually here is the one I used to get 50 childs.. pasted wrong one.
spamd -4 -p 1234 -m 50 --min-children=50 --min-spare=40 
--max-conn-per-child=1000 --round-robin -L

Just feed a lot of random messages with spamc -p 1234.

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