On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:36 AM, Axb <axb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> could we agree to set the ceilings on lower safer scores?

In the interest of full disclosure, these rules are being tested because of me 
(or at my suggestion anyway). I set them up locally based on discussion on this 
very list from about 2 years ago. FWIW, I have been using these rules for 
nearly a year and have seen ZERO FPs caused by them, over tens or hundreds of 
thousands of emails for multiple users. In fact, I set them up because too many 
FNs were getting by Bayes because they were hitting on only a few other very 
low-scoring rules. Even today I still get FNs that hit BAYES_999, because they 
hit no other rules with meaningful scores.

I know everyone's spam is different, just offering my experience.

--- Amir
thumbed via iPhone

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