On Thu, February 20, 2014 3:16 pm, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> Are you using 3.4.0?  I believe the size was hard-coded until then when
> the max-size option was added to sa-learn.

No, as mentioned previously in this flurry of emails, I'm using 3.3.2. 
However, note that using spamassassin directly (not learning, just
classifying) works just fine, there is no complaint of max message size. 
Using spamc with --max-size, no complaints either.  And, finally, sa-learn
with -D (debug) does not show me any error messages or warnings related to
message size, or ANYTHING in fact that would lead me to understand why
it's skipping these messages.  If they exceed the maximum size, sa-learn
is being very quiet about it and not throwing an explicit error in the
debug output.

I echo Martin's question of whether it's possible to override the max size
in local.cf, because on my system (with virtual hosts that call spamc)
that would be much more preferable than having to specify max-size in
every virtual host's /etc/procmailrc (which is how I have to do it now).


                                                --- Amir

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