On Mon, 2014-03-17 at 17:34 +0100, Axb wrote:

> Are you volunteering to manage this?
> Every distro/OS has a packaging team. It would make more sense for those 
> interested, to join your distro_du_jour  project and work with them. Why 
> would the SA project want to reinvent the wheel?
I might - if I understood RPM creation, but learning about that is still
on my todo list. 

I've recently noticed that there are a few applications that are now
running their own repositories (Google Earth and Adobe Flash) or are
distributed through 3rd party repositories (vlc on RPMfusion) and
thought I should mention it as a possible way of shortening the time
between a new version becoming available and it appearing as part of the
various Linux distros. Personally, I'm not bothered either way: 3.3.2
does what I need and so I'm quite happy to wait for 3.4.0 to appear in
the Fedora repositories.

Apologies if I ruffled any feathers - that wasn't my intention.


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