On Fri, 2014-05-23 at 18:37 -0400, Daniel Staal wrote:
> Two quick questions: Does it happen to *every* message passed to spamc, and 
> does restarting spamd solve it?
It seems to. At least its consistently done that to a semi-random
selection of my example spam collection over several tests. Each spam
example is simply a text file which Evolution has dumped a spam message
into under the impression that its saving it in mbox format and that has
then been passed through an awk script that strips out any X-Spam

> This sounds similar to the behavior I was mentioning in a post earlier, and 
> am having trouble tracking down.  Restarting mitigates in my case.
Restarting doesn't help: I use a script to manage SA testing which:
- starts spamd
- starts a loop to handle every spam example named on the command line
  - each spam example is sent to spamd via spamc and the result passed
    through an awk script that only keeps X-Spam header lines.
- stops spamd when the loop ends

The only thing I haven't done is restart the box since the upgrade
because its been busy with backups which it started before its upgrade. 
I'll do that ASAP when the backups end.


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