On 06/09/2014 11:03 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:

On Jun 6, 2014, at 3:50 PM, Axb <axb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

If you have to post a spam sample, pls use pastebin and post the full msg

On 06/06/2014 11:32 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
We’re getting a lot of spam that contains URL’s which look like (remove the 


Some observations… The URL’s should be fairly easy to filter against via a 
regex.  Anyone have some working rules they could share?

Pls note than any rule shared via lists usually looses its teeth within a few 
hours .-)

Well, it depends on the nature of the rule…  Some characteristics are less 
fungible than others.

The other thing is, the URL is almost always hosted by solarvps.com, in the 
CIDR block

Is there an easy way to do a domain lookup on the host portion of the URL and 
then filter it if it’s in this subnet?

Yes, there is:

run a local A record blacklist with rbldnsd

and a rule like, for example:

uridnssub  YOUR_A_URIBL yourabl.example.net.  A
body      YOUR_A_URIBL  eval:check_uridnsbl('YOUR_A_URIBL')
describe  YOUR_A_URIBL  URL domain A rec listed by YOUR_A_URIBL
score     YOUR_A_URIBL  5.0
tflags   YOUR_A_URIBL   net a

If I used local A records, for a /18 network, I’d need all 2^14 records, right?

Because a lookup is always on a full dotted-quad (in reverse order)…

nope... wiht robldnsd you set your BL zone to use the ip4trie dataset

which as per http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/rbldnsd/rbldnsd.8.html

ip4trie Dataset
Set of IP4 CIDR ranges with corresponding (A, TXT) values. This dataset is similar to ip4set, but uses a different internal representation. It accepts CIDR ranges only (not a.b.c.d−e.f.g.h), and allows for the specification of A/TXT values on a per CIDR range basis. (If multiple CIDR ranges match a query, the value for longest matching prefix is returned.) Exclusions are supported too.

I tried using multi.uribl.com and couldn’t get this to work.

I had:

urirhssub L_URIBL_BLACK         multi.uribl.com. A 2
body L_URIBL_BLACK              eval:check_uridnsbl('L_URIBL_BLACK')
describe L_URIBL_BLACK          Contains a URL listed in the URIBL blacklist
tflags L_URIBL_BLACK            net
score L_URIBL_BLACK             20.0

URIBL is enabled by default in SA - no need to add extra rules.

set, and also:

skip_rbl_checks 0

at the end of /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf set.

Running this over the message in a file:

spamassassin -t --lint -D < /tmp/cable.eml

I get:

Jun  9 14:57:13.029 [32297] dbg: rules: compiled meta tests
Jun  9 14:57:13.032 [32297] dbg: check: is spam? score=-2.348 required=5
Jun  9 14:57:13.032 [32297] dbg: check: 
Jun  9 14:57:13.032 [32297] dbg: check: 
Jun  9 14:57:13.033 [32297] dbg: timing: total 1908 ms - init: 1384 (72.5%), 
parse: 1.17 (0.1%), extract_message_metadata: 11 (0.6%), get_uri_detail_list: 
1.06 (0.1%), tests_pri_-1000: 9 (0.5%), compile_gen: 202 (10.6%), compile_eval: 
37 (1.9%), tests_pri_-950: 6 (0.3%), tests_pri_-900: 7 (0.4%), tests_pri_-400: 
6 (0.3%), tests_pri_0: 404 (21.2%), tests_pri_500: 75 (3.9%)

so I’m not sure why it’s failing to find nqtel.com in the uribl.com database.
What am I missing?

--lint doesn't do network tests

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