On Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:06:14 -0500
Steve Bergman wrote:

> What SA really needs if for its own Bayesian filter to kick in. But
> to be used at all, you need at least 200 ham and 200 spam messages 
> registered with it.
> i.e. if you have to have a way to train the filter. I don't really
> have much confidence in "autolearn". And I'm a little scared of it.
> So I turned it off. We use Dovecot. So I used the dovecot-antispam
> plugin to automatically train SA when mail gets moved in or out of
> the junk folder. (It handles the moving of mail from Junk into Trash
> or regular folders intelligently and appropriately.)

I'm sceptical about the use of Dovecot-Antispam with Spamassassin.
The problem is that it trains on SpamAssassin errors rather than Bayes
errors. It may be possible to get sufficient spam this way, but ham
is learned very slowly through avoidable FPs.    

> But that only solved half the problem. You need 200 hams and 200
> spams. 

You need several thousand hams and spams for it to work optimally.

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