On 7/9/2014 5:18 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:44:27 -0700
Ted Mittelstaedt<t...@ipinc.net>  wrote:

David DID NOT say that.  He said that "he was shocked to discover"
Why are you assuming he is under NDA or he is an employee of this

Let me clarify the situation:

1) I'm the owner of Roaring Penguin, so my boss is unlikely to fire
me for breaching company policy.

2) We operate hosted anti-spam service for a large number of customers.

3) Many of our customers are quite sensitive about their privacy.

4) Although I could probably reveal details of this incident without
consequences, I choose not to out of respect for our customers.  It
would not look good if I revealed the companies with whom our
customers correspond to the entire Internet, at least not without
asking first.


Now, in MY opinion there are only TWO ways to handle organizations
like "large data processing company"

It turns out that the company is using this product:


to send sensitive information to its customers.  I'm not about to shame
the large data processing company since the product is probably being
used by some low-level and harried clerk who was told by IT that it was
the approved way to send sensitive information.

I am *quite* happy to call out Symantec and say:

Symantec, you BONEHEADS!  You're an anti-virus company and you think it's
a good idea to distribute sensitive information as a WINDOWS EXECUTABLE???

Symantec, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves!

Is that sufficient naming and shaming? :)

Perfect!! That is what I was looking for. Although from the pro-gunners out there now we will hear the "software doesn't kill people, users kill people" arguments claiming it's not Symantec's
fault for creating a piece of software that large Data Company is
abusing, but as a gun owner myself I'm pretty immune from that
bankrupt line of reasoning....




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