On 07/24/2014 10:37 AM, Dave Funk wrote:
> Thomas.
> Do you have 'MSA' port enabled for your sendmail? (IE port 567) and
> SMTP-AUTH? Then just skip the dnsbl checks for auth'ed mail submissions.
> You could whitelist your client IP address in your 'access' file but
> what happens when that address changes? (I assume your ISP gives you
> a DHCP address).

Hi, Dave -

I actually have SMTP AUTH enabled, and it was working fine (albeit on
port 25 with STARTTLS) until I added the DNSBL.

Even connecting from my MUA (Thunderbird on Linux) to port 587 on my
server, I get this (identifying info changed) in the log file if I
enable the DNSBL:

Jul 24 11:57:36 YYY dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<thomas.cameron>,
method=PLAIN, rip=, lip= mpid=469, TLS,
Jul 24 11:57:59 YYY sendmail[472]: ruleset=check_relay,
arg1=cpe-XXXX.austin.res.rr.com, arg2=,
relay=cpe-XXXX.austin.res.rr.com [], reject=550 5.7.1 Rejected: listed at dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net


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