On 7/31/2014 3:59 PM, Chris Brandstetter wrote:
We are running spam assassin 3.3.1 with Postfix. So I have added some rules to mark as spam yolasite, wix, etc…. as we have been getting besieged by them. My thing is these rules seem not to be loading. When I do a spamassassin —lint I don’t get any errors. When I do spamassassin —lint -D I get pages of output that I have a hard time sifting through, but nothing more than a warning. Here are the config file contents etc…. Any help would be HUGELY appreciated.
Put the rules in a file such as chris.cf in the same dir.

Run spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i chris to see if the file is loaded.

Then, are you restarting spamd to reload the cf file?


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