On July 30, 2014 9:33:07 PM Joe Quinn <jqu...@pccc.com> wrote:

TxRep is currently in trunk with instructions for migrating from AWL, if
you want to try and reproduce the bug.

i have tried to keep up on gentoo with sa 3.4 with is sadly not in portage yet, so i begined make it into my own overlay to have it self, but my plan is to create a trunck ebuild for sa 3.4 to keep up with latest fixes in trunk, so far for the plans

The ultimate goal is for it to completely replace AWL so more testers
are very welcome. We've been using TxRep in production ourselves since
May, and it's been working swimmingly.

yep atleast its now dokumented, is txrep seperate trunck or just sa trunck ?


hoppefully ok

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