On 09/09/2014 10:27 AM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
On Mon, 2014-09-08 at 23:05 -0600, Amir Caspi wrote:
An automated method would prevent a number of problems, and since the
allowed TLDs are evolving, I think it makes the most sense. I can't
speak to a specific implementation, but -something- automated...

Same here: I pick up new SA versions via the RedHat package distribution
system. This sometimes lags quite a long way behind SA version upgrades
and releases, so distributing the TLD list via sa_update sounds like a
good idea.


so with RHEL7 you're stuck with SA 3.3.2 ?

I'll never understand this approach of sticking to old versions instead of cooking your own updated rpms
(and expecting the rest of the world to accomodate)

IF SA moves to a .cf based TLD list, you'll still need to update the SA core to support the change.

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