On 10/08/2014 10:48 PM, Robert A. Ober wrote:
On 9/22/14 4:20 PM, RW wrote:
On Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:11:44 -0500
Robert A. Ober wrote:

*Yes,  my test messages and SPAM hit the rules but ignore the score.*
What score does it have?

Could it be that the score got set after spamd was restarted?

What is the easiest way to know what score is applied per rule? Neither
the server log nor the header breaks it down.

I think the SA's docs show you how



_REPORT_          terse report of tests hit (for header reports)

put this in you local.cf :

add_header all Report _REPORT_

iirc, this will add a nice X-Spam-Report: header with a list of rules AND scores.

and when in doubt, rtfm:
and/or in the local box via perldoc spamassassin

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