On 10/15/2014 6:12 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
I'm certain KAM is right and here's why.
IOW, uri rules depend on matching the terminal part of the domain name
with an entry in SA's built-in TLD list and my version, installed from
the Fedora repo, doesn't yet include .link.

I reverted my rules and test messages to test for the .link TLD and am
now waiting for a TLD list that contains .link to percolate through the
Fedora update process.

I think my confusion is that for many spam messages, the uri rule is working fine for the .link domain. After looking at some different spam emails, I think the difference is that if the .link is inside an 'HTML' spam, the url processing works. If it is a normal text spam email, the url processing does not work. That has been the source of my confusion and why I was thinking KAM was referring to a different issue.

So I am thinking that the HTML decoding part of SA doesn't use that built-in TLD list, but the test email processing does. That is the only way I can explain it what I am seeing.

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