On Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:06:00 -0700
Cathryn Mataga <cath...@junglevision.com> wrote:

> Okay, here's another header.    Shows X-Xpam-Status as no.
> In local.cf I changed to this, just to be sure.
> rewrite_header Subject [SPAM][JUNGLEVISION SPAM CHECK]

Not familiar with how sendmail rewrites headers. Is this supposed to
replace [SPAM] with [JUNGLEVISION SPAM CHECK]? replace the subject with 

How does your sa modify the subject? Is it the default

It looks as if the message is delivered to megan and then something
is resubmitting the message to sendmail. Are you using procmail to
forward messages containing SPAM to meganspam? Could that be why
sendmail sees the message twice? 

Are you using milters with sendmail? How hard would it be to disable
them one by one and inject test messages with [SPAM] in the subject?

What if you turned up spamassassin's and sendmail's debugging? I wonder
if that would log the Subject header as it receives the incoming message
and handles it. It could tell you if the message is received with [SPAM]
already in the header or where [SPAM] is being inserted before delivery.


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