Hi.  Recently, I've noticed that some spam arriving on my mail server
contains a "Received:" header line citing amavisd-new -- possibly an
attempt to trick spam filters into concluding the message has already
been scanned and is presumably free of problems.

Here is an example of one of these  -- the physically last (i.e.,
chronologically first) "Received:" in the message.

Received: by 03112d50.rn56dss9.lunafutral.com
(amavisd-new, port 9150) with ESMTP id 03MBRTVHDVT112DXUHRJKRWD50;
for <rande...@richw.org>; Sat, 8 Nov 2014 17:41:05 -0700

The above line contains several clues that can distinguish it from a
real "Received:" line generated by amavisd-new, so I imagine a rule
could be created to detect this and increase a message's spam score

Should I go ahead and discuss this in greater depth here on this
list?  Or would it be better to go off-list with a smaller group of
developers, so as not to give too many ideas to the black hats? :-)

Rich Wales

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