On 23/11/2014 20:12, Aban Dokht wrote: 

> On 22.11.2014 22:05, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> domain - I've seen user unknown messages for users who cancelled mailboxes 
>> on the domain over a decade ago. I figure 10 years of getting user unknown 
>> messages is long enough for any real humans and for legitimate mailing lists 
>> to remove those entries.
> From my opinion, this is not a good idea as you are going to put those 
> servers onto your list.
> This way you'll blacklist bulk senders, with badly configured or even not 
> bounce management, but they are not all spammers!

Surely though that is the senders problem. 

Also any sender - SOHO, medium or large business, government, or mass
mailing specialists, who have no, poor, or broken bounce management, do
deserve to be listed, to prompt them into getting their act together and
fixing their code. 

Yes it happens, VMware are a perfect example of this incompetence, they
still try send to an old list address of mine before I consolidated the
2 into this one, they have been getting user unknowns for about 8 years.


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