On 11/23/2014 2:17 AM, Aban Dokht wrote:

On 22.11.2014 22:32, Dave Funk wrote:
Another way to seed spamtrap addresses is to make up some and
then feed them into "unsubscribe" links in spam sent to regular
users. I've got some of those I started that way 15 years ago
and they're still going strong.

Also no good idea, as some of them will send an unsubscribe mail to the
trap then. The risk of false positives is very high.

If a bulk mailer is legitimate then they will do 2 things, first they
will verify that the email listed in the unsubscribe request exists
on their mailing list, (and if not, ignore it) and second when they
get a de-list request they should IMMEDIATELY honor it.  They should
NEVER send a confirmation email.  Sending an email saying "we just
de-listed you because of your de-list request" is perfectly fine and
if it was an accidental de-list the user can merely resubscribe.  But a
de-list request should be honored immediately.

If they can't do that, then they are just setting up barriers to unsubscribe email addresses from their lists, and that is what a spammer does.

We have a saying in the United States, Aban.  If it looks like a duck,
walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.


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