On 25/11/2014 12:13, Axb wrote:
On 11/25/2014 12:50 PM, Paul Gardiner wrote:
I'm using spampd as follows:

spampd --port=10025 --relayhost= --user=paul --group=users
--homedir=/home/paul/.spamassassin --tagall --children=5 --maxsize=512

This is hardly a SA issue...

Suggest you check the spampd docs...


I'd bet you're missing options in your command line...

Ok thanks. I was thinking you guys produce spampd as well because
it was part of the same opensuse package, but I guess it's just
the packager put them together for convenience.

Thanks for your time. It helps a lot just to know that the change
of spampd version is the more likely cause of my problems. Probably
spampd has become more configurable and as you say I need another
option on the command line, although I didn't before.


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