On 2014-11-30 03:08, Martin Gregorie wrote:
On Sat, 2014-11-29 at 20:39 -0800, John Hardin wrote:
But this effectively means we cannot add new features to SA conditionals
because they might do this to older installs.

Can SA set a $too_old flag to say that that the Perl version number
check failed?

If so, it seems the me that, at runtime, it would be reasonable to
exclude new version-dependent features if either the $too_old flag is
set or the version number is lower than the feature needs. It would also
be reasonable for sa_update to report the exclusion since that serves to
remind the sysadmin to upgrade.


That gets unnecessarily annoying to sysadmins running things like Scientific Linux 6. Spamassassin is not going to get updated to 3.4.whizzy. And going off distro often invites annoying problems that require a lot of effort to deal with. I know *I* do not like to invite problems when I can stay on distro and use the freed up time for other important work.

Now, if you guys could work with RHEL, SUSE, and other major distros to make it easy for them to upgrade spamassassin that situation might change. But SA seems to be moderately low on the criticality lists for major distros.

{^_^}   Joanne

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