On 12/1/2014 11:57 PM, Noel Butler wrote:

On 02/12/2014 10:24, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 12/1/2014 6:06 PM, John Hardin wrote:
It looks like as long as we support perl < 5.10.0 then the only clean solution is can(Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::perl_min_version_5010000)
With perl versions so low in so many distros, I think we have to implement the 
perl_min_version function.  Do you want me to take a stab at it?

5.10 is only what, six years old? Surely anyone running anything older have far greater issues :)

(says the guy running a few slackware 13.1 boxes with 5.10.1 hehe but theyll join the 14 series this Christmas when I can take them offline to upgrade em, even -current is useing a 12 month old 5.18.1)

There is a fairly consistent streak in some distros to backport patches to older versions rather than move the version forward. 5.8.8 is in pretty far spread use from my knowledge.


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