Am 04.01.2015 um 02:38 schrieb Bob Proulx:
Reindl Harald wrote:
schrieb Dave Funk:
Umm, SA is written in Perl, not PHP. So you should look at Perl
regex documentation, not PHP docs

so what - @ is not a to escape char in whatever language and hence SA
specific and it don't matter in what language SA is written if you write a
*backend* in PHP - guess what "preg" means even if you are too lazy to click
on the link -> "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)"

so do me a favor: if you don't have a answer leave me in peace because i am
tired of answers with no content at all

Reindl, Please play nice.  Dave was exactly correct and friendly with
his response to you.  Liberty, tolerance and respect are not zero sum
concepts.  (Stealing the excellent phrase from Judge Robert Hinkle.)

friendly would have been without the "Umm" and with a link

the question was "are there additional chars to escape" and not "should i write all my admin backends in perl"

As Dave said, SpamAssassin is written in Perl not PHP.  The *Perl*
docs are the ones you should reference not the PHP docs.

don't refer to why @ inside a regex rule needs escaping nor are we at perl low-level by writing SA-rules, otherwise "blacklist_from" would need escape @ too but they don't - frankly i would even call it a bug

The reason @ needs to be escaped is because in Perl "@array" is a
string containing an array variable that expands to an array value.
To be a literal at sign in the string it needs "\@array" and that is
the Perl syntax.

don't also show a example of \@ and again i call it a bug to expose that *low* level to SA-rules in a not consistent way

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