Am 04.01.2015 um 11:21 schrieb Tom Hendrikx:
On 04-01-15 11:03, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 04.01.2015 um 09:44 schrieb Henrik K:
On Sat, Jan 03, 2015 at 10:43:49PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

Maybe someone else will come up with a better documentation
pointer for variables expanded inside Perl strings.

Umm.. (sorry) for once Reindl is somewhat correct. We are writing
rules using _SpamAssassin_, not coding Perl.  What low-level
regex/variables do in any language is meaningless in this context
as SpamAssassin might manipulate things in any number of ways.
Quoting requirements and other strange things should be
documented in SpamAssassin, but at a quick glance nothing is
mentioned about @, only # is referred as needing quoting.  So
documentation could use an update.

and h ebiggest issue is that the testmail from gmail hitted
"MISSING_HEADERS" and "MISSING_SUBJECT" while both where present
and so it looks the whole rule enigne is going crazy because one
unescaped @

If you add custom rule that don't pass a lint test, you pretty much
screwed it up yourself. You can't blame spamassassin for that

i can and will blame it for not just skip a broken rule by not skip it like postfix does for a invalid pcre-regex the same way as any of my users blame me for unexpected behavior

but the *one and only* question is in the subject and *NO* i do not need poting to damned perl docs - that i can do myself and for that i don't need a mailing-list - the whole purpose of a mailing list is to ask if somebody has a already done something similar, ran in the same issues and it is *not* unlikely that somebody out there already wrote a php backend for generate SA rules

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